Macomb Intermediate School District is engaged in an on-going professional learning community dedicated to provide local educators with the tools and skills necessary to integrate UDL principles and strategies into everyday classroom instruction.
For the past five years the project titled Engage, Expand and Encompass through Technology (E3T), has been fostering middle and high school teams of educators who work together to minimize learning barriers and create UDL curriculum that increases the opportunity for all students to learn.

hese teams focus on designing instruction that reaches, supports, engages and motivates all students, ensuring that every student has an opportunity to make progress in the general curriculum.
In the E3T project, training is delivered in a hybrid model. Teams learn via a combination of on-going, intense professional development workshops, team-centered, personalized school-based support and online learning modules. These modules and additional teacher resources can be found on our website,
E3T teams learn to create flexible curriculum designed to meet the needs of a wide range of students including gifted students, struggling students, students for whom English is a second language, and disengaged students, in short, all of the students in all classrooms.
E3T Goals:
- To create teams of educators who are proficient at working together to minimize barriers to the curriculum in order to increase opportunities for learning for all students. These teams will:
- provide opportunities for all students to make progress in the general curriculum.
- create learning environments that support, engage, motivate and teach all students.
E3T Methods:
- On-going, intense professional development workshops (4 days/year).
- On-going, team-centered, personalized school-based support.
- Virtual learning communities.
- On line learning modules
E3T Materials:
- Web-based resources
- On-line collaborative "teacher's lounge"
- Web 2.0 collaborative tools
- On line learning modules
E3T Assessments:
- Pre and post teacher/student surveys
- Classroom based formative assessments
- Summative assessments
- Video archive
- Completed UDL lessons plans with Capstone presentation