
Below are resources administrators
will find useful. Links to research articles,
technology tools for administrators, UDL Lesson Checklists.
Knowledge Loom
This site will help leaders--school administrators, technology staff, and innovative practitioners--make informed decisions and support the effective integration of technology.
Especially for Administrators. Check out the articles, links to grants and the latest research.

Top 10 Great Things Technology Leaders Do
Tip #5 Lead by Example
As a building principal, when it came to technology integration, it was important that I modeled the behavior I wanted the teachers to emulate. It was important that if I promoted interactive webpages, that I developed one and kept it updated. Likewise, a review of the literature and our own action research allowed us to make gains that were aligned with our mission and goals.

Nurturing the IT Culture: The Leadership Challenge.pdf
An article about the Administrators role in the changing world of technology and education.