The Pardoner's Tale
The Power of Language to Transform Lives
A Model UDL Lesson

This lesson is a part of a unit found in the Grade 11 - Michigan Merit Curriculum. It is based on the theme:

In the transformation from oral language to the written word, universal truths of human nature were formalized.

The unit begins with activities exploring the process of transformation. Students read the anchor texts
Beowulf and the Prologue to The Canterbury Tales. The lesson are the first few days of The Pardoner’s Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.

It offers online resources and activities for various levels of understanding and is appropriate for students in grade 11. The lesson is intended to be taught as part of a co-teaching team.

Link to Complete Lesson Outline
MS Word

Link to UDL Lesson Quick Write
MS Word

Link to Modified UDL ELA Unit
MS Word

Embracing Technology - Frankenstein.pdf


Recognition Network Options

Electronic version of
The Pardoner's Tale with interactive Middle English translation dictionary.

Links to Baba Brinkman's multimedia rap versions of The Canterbury Tales.

Link to the Weekly Reader's multimedia, interactive sit exploring The Canterbury Tales.

Summative Assessment Example

Link to an example of a student's Digital Story modeled after Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales.
