E3T Student Page

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What is UDL?

Universal Design for Learning means that you will:

  • Learn new things in a lot of different ways. Your teacher may use digital videos, pictures, books, books that talk, websites, podcasts, studycasts, mind maps, Google maps and so on to help you understand new information.
  • Show what you know in a lot of different ways. Your "test" may be in the form of a podcast, digital story, book report, blog post, written test, clicker test, multimedia presentation, or a video clip. Often, the choice will be up to you.
  • Learn in a way that's interesting and motivating. UDL lessons often include a choice of materials, topics and assignments. They are designed to be relevant to your life and the things that are important to you. Lessons often include ties to contemporary culture including popular music and other media.

How does it work?
Technology plays a big role in UDL. Having access to electronic information, whether it's text or pictures or video or a combination of all three, makes it easy for you and your teachers to adjust the way ideas are presented. That flexibility means its easy to find just the right combination to meet your needs.

What's your role as the student?
When you are enthusiastic about learning, learning comes easier. You need to know how you learn best and be able to make the choices that are right for you. In other words, you need to take responsibility for your learning. To help you do that, there are several links below that will give you the tools to help you study, learn and succeed in school.

Student Resources: