Strategies to Support
Strategic Instruction


Strategies for Teaching……Strategies for Learning

If you've ever played the game of chess, chances are you used a fairly unsophisticated approach when first making your way around the board. It's also likely that basic tactics quickly emerged after just a few games--moves that were at first aimless and erratic became much more planned and organized. You may have even found yourself thinking several moves ahead, beginning to develop a strategy. Some obvious strategies may have easily become part of your regular chess-playing arsenal. Other, more advanced strategies, however, may not develop without additional training or lots of practice.
It's always a good idea to have a plan of attack--and not just for chess. When it comes to teaching and learning, having a plan--or strategy--is definitely the way to go.1
These web pages will explore strategies for teachers and students to implement Universal Design for Learning Principles. We will explore: Strategic ways for teaching Routines and Delivering Lectures, and strategic ways to support Text Comprehension, Note Taking, Class Assignments, Studying, Assessment, and providing strategic support through use of the Classroom Website.

Strategic Teaching Routines

Strategies for Supporting Lecture

Strategies for Comprehending Text

Strategies for Successful Notes

Strategies for Effective Assessment

Strategic Class Assignments

Supportive Web Presence

1National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY). (2006). The Power of Strategy Instruction (Luke, S). Retrieved January 29, 2009 from